Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gender Roles

There are many ways to take this conversation and topic, mainly because there are so many differing views concerning the role of a man and the role of a woman. I believe that each gender has a role, and that those roles are not interchangeable. The phrase "don't send a woman to do a man's job" is totally applicable. But you have to remember the reverse - "don't send a man to do a woman's job." This leads me to a rather large problem: What is a man's role, and what is a woman's role?

Well, looking to the Bible, I see a pretty good description in Genesis 1 and 2. We share a common purpose and thus are equal in our role as stewards of the earth. God's blessing and directive was given to both Adam and Eve: To be fruitful and multiply, filling the earth and subduing it(1:28). However, we see more detail in their creation in chapter 2. Woman was made from the rib of the man, to be a suitable helper for him. And as I have learned from my Gospel of Matthew class, the naming of someone else exerts dominance over them, and Adam named Eve, "because she would become the mother of all the living." Earlier in that chapter God says to Eve: "Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

But in the NT there is defintely a brighter depiction of the relationship between men and women. It isn't right for men to simply be dominant over women, that is not our role. I do believe that men have a more authoritative role in the world than women do, and I think this can be seen in the mere fact that Jesus came to us as a man. (It can also be said that he did so because we are such a male-dominated race.)

I once had a great conversation with my pastor about this topic, though it was more directly related to the relationship between a man and his wife. He explained that the man is the head of the household, and thus makes the decisions. However, this does not make him the authority of the household, since he should be making decisions based on what would be best for his wife. Basically, the man should be thinking about what is best for his wife, not what is best for himself. The woman should be in submission to the decisions of her husband, understanding that he is making those decisions in her best interests. As Christians, both partners should be supporting one another and growing closer to God in their relationship with each other(this can also be applied to unmarried relationships, like dating).

In addition to this, I think there are certain strengths and weaknesses to each gender which are complemented by the other. I cannot at this time pinpoint any of these(or maybe I just don't want to for fear of contestation <- great word, thanks A Knight's Tale), but if you look around you can definitely see it. I think probably one of the more prominent differences are a man's ability to see the simple side of things, and a woman's ability to see the more complex side.

I'd like to note that of course this is all generalization, and that there are some pretty complex men and some very simple women. In which case, I don't know what I am saying, maybe my mind is just too scattered on this one, interpretation = fail.

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